Heartworm Prevention
Service Description
In the southeast, where it never gets cold enough, long enough it's best to keep your pet on a year-round heartworm prevention. It's so easy to prevent, but even harder to treat, and heartworm disease is diagnosed in this region in many pets year-round. Prevention is administered via a monthly chew or tablet or a lost-lasting injection given every 6 months. It's important to stay consistent with heartworm prevention because any missed doses can leave your pet open to infection. Heartworms are transmitted infected mosquitoes and unfortunately, because of how long it takes for heartworms to go through their life cycles, we won't even be able to detect it on a test until 6 months later. Once it reaches maturity in the heart, it obstructs blood flow, causes allergic reactions, damage to the heart, lungs, and blood vessels, and if left untreated, can be fatal. Most common signs are coughing, exercise intolerance, and in the end stages the abdomen gets enlarge due to the back up of blood flow due to right-sided heart failure. Please visit our Online Store for product and pricing details, as well as the American Heartworm Society link on our FAQ page for more information on heartworm disease, testing, and treatment. *It is our policy that any dog 7 months of age and older who has not previously been on heartworm prevention, has not had a heartworm test in the previous 12 months, or has had a lapse in heartworm prevention of more than 60 days since the last due date require a heartworm test prior to dispensing any heartworm prevention.
Contact Details
+ (770) 703-3324